
Odisha khatiyan
Odisha khatiyan

odisha khatiyan

Step-2 For the best online view of your Khatiyan, land or Patta is Computer/Desktop or Laptop. Step-1 Firstly you must have a good interment connection on your PC, Laptop or Mobile to browse the Bhulekh Odisha website. Rather than that you can also check your land records through clicking the selection location form and entering the information of your state, district, sub division and village where you can see the map of your village in which you can select your khasra option and can easily get your land records. Here you can follow some below mentioned steps to check or download your Odisha Khatiyan details or land records details easily.TENANTS – Click on tenants and then enter your village details and an additional R.I.49023764 plots records are available on the Odisha Bhulekh web portal. PLOT – After selecting the village option given above in the section select the plot and click on next.The Web portal provide you 10798183 number of khatiyans recorded in it. KHATIYAN – Click on the khatiyan option and then select the village name and click on the next button for further proceedings.Select the ‘ROR views’ option for land records where you will get three options for your land records as follows.Step 3: To display the land record data, choose the Khatiyan number and press the enter key. Step 1: Choose your district, tahasil, village, and RI circle from the drop-down menu.

odisha khatiyan

Four options as General Information, ROR views, maps and forms will be provided in the opened window and you can select your desired field. The Khatiyan Number may be used to verify the Land Record. Visit the selection form as login form is for the departmental use.Here on the web portal you can also download the Odia font to enter your proceedings in Odia language.Visit the official bhulekh website of Odisha.By following below given some steps you can easily access to your wished information of your land record through the official website.

Odisha khatiyan